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Orange alert heavy rain

Find out how to prevent yourself when facing an Orange Alert heavy rain. Double attention and be careful with your choices to travel in situations like this!

Classified as a meteorological situation of exceptional intensity: danger. The potential risk includes rainfall between 30 and 60 mm/h, winds between 60 and 100 km/h, risk of falling trees and flooding, in addition to the risk of power outages.

Driving in conditions like this is extremely dangerous, it is advisable to stop somewhere protected and wait for the weather to improve, or if you have the option to cancel your trip and reschedule it for another period.

This warning information is delivered through the National Institute of Meteorology - INMET.

orange alert

Tip: if you are traveling and come across this Orange alert, take it easy and look for a hotel or place to take shelter. If you don't know the roads, be safe and don't take chances!

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