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How to go to the USA in the pandemic

We currently live in constant uncertainties on how to go to the USA in the pandemic. However, rest assured we will give you the tips and clarify your doubts.

After the outbreak, we were stranded with no travel options other than the fear of going out there.

Even within Brazil, right?

The question is not about going, but  “Do I have to quarantine?” "Vaccine?" to introduce "which tests?" how much time.

First of all, we were not prevented from entering the US during this period, but restricted. That is, restriction of “passengers from Brazil” and not prohibition of “Brazilian passengers”.

During the pandemic, the border withlocated restrictions and still modifies frequently ways to proceed in each case.

Today writing this article the situation is one, however tomorrow it could be changed.

Whenever there are any changes to the rules, we will be bringing them to you!

How to go to the USA in the pandemic

Today traveling to the United States of America is not allowed. However, this does not apply to long-term resident nationals.

How to go to the USA in the pandemic

If you qualify as an authorized traveller, you must present proof of a negative coronavirus test, carried out in the previous 72 hours to boarding.

Results are accepted. RT-PCR, RT-LAMP, TMA, NEAR, HDA and antigen test.

They will also have to submit the form of “disclosure and attestation” before boarding.

Restrictions for entering the US

 On this website, you can follow the restrictions around the world in real time:

Tip 1

Search the state you intend to travel they have different restrictions.

check with your airline, if you already have a ticket purchased. They constantly update the information as the other agencies.

Tip 2

always stay attentive to the websites of government authorities, such as:

  • Ministry of Health
  • World Health Organization (WHO)

They will always have information reliable.

Restrictions to enter Brazil

According to Interministerial Ordinance 652/2021, the traveler will have to fill out “The Traveler's Health Declaration (DSV)” is available for filling out on the page

 Whenever passengers from another country or even Brazilians, enter through Brazilian airports. They will necessarily have to present the negative PCR test for coronavirus carried out within 72 hours before the trip, which will be declared on the form.

In addition to the protocols you will find at airports, such as temperature measurement and spontaneous interview informing any symptoms you are feeling at the moment.

Coronavirus prevention protocols

All these protocols are indications found on the website of Anvisa and Ministry of Health.

Such as:

  • Assess the real need for the trip and postpone it, if possible. If it is unavoidable, take precautions and follow the guidelines of local health authorities;
  • Wear a mask in public places;
  • Wash hands with soap and water or use 70% alcohol gel when running water and soap are not available;
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth and the protective mask as much as possible;
  • Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing;
  • Avoid agglomerations;
  • Maintain a minimum distance of 1 (one) meter between people in public and social places;
  • Keep environments clean and well ventilated;
  • Do not share personal objects.

International Vaccination Certificate

The International Certificate of Vaccination is the document that proves vaccination against diseases. It is necessary because some countries require the document to enter their territory.

is issued a only time in life.

For example, the vaccine yellow fever which is requested most frequently. Stay tuned because it must be done 10 days before making your trip.

When traveling to a country, look for:  see the quick list of countries that require the certificate

This data is provided by the federal government website

At the moment, there is no determination by the WHO and the Ministry of Health to issue a CIVP for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Finally, we hope we have helped you with our tips and guided you with the best research options for this very delicate situation in our lives!

Keep an eye on our tips:

What better time to travel

How much does it cost to travel to Florida

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