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San Francisco – USA: tips and what to do

You've probably heard from someone or watched a movie that took place in Silicon Valley – Silicon Valley?? It is an affectionate nickname from the San Francisco Bay Area – USA, located in California.

Brief history – San Francisco – USA

Formerly it was a place of US Navy research and technology: initially the creation of radio (technology used at that time).

san francisco usa

Soon after, the name silicon emerged through companies Fairchild Semiconducts and Intel, both research and manufacture of integrated circuits of silicon which is used for making chips, for example.

However, today it encompasses several technology companies in the production of circuits electronics, electronics and computing.

This region is also one of the most developed in the USA, employing about 4 million of information technology workers, entrepreneurs or people who are part of entrepreneurial companies.

Remembering that these people can work from anywhere in the world.

Wherever you go, you are likely to “run into” people from all over the world with high levels of intellectual ability.

So, for those who love all this, you will want to know the cradle of technology!

Location – San Francisco – USA

the county of san francisco It's localized on the west coast of the United States, north of the state of California.

Considered the fourth most populous city in California and the 16th most populous city in the US.

Tourism – San Francisco – USA

Tourism is very strong there, one of the main attractions is the bridge golden gate.

San Francisco

In addition to several places in the city, for example the part of technology companies, zoo, the old Federal prison of Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf or Chinatown among others that we will describe.

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco – USA

This bridge is a spectacle, with its 2.7 km long?? It is impossible for you to pass by it and not be amazed at how beautiful that place is!

When we went, there was a very heavy fog, but in a matter of minutes, it passed over the bridge, made it invisible and then left. Coming up with a beautiful blue sky and the bridge!

Tip: if you intend to cross the bridge by car, on the other side there is a toll to make the return.

I confess that her beauty is everywhere and it is not a necessity to cross it, however if you decide to cross it: there will be no regrets!

It is possible to walk through different places to see different angles of the bridge, even going under it at the head. It's too giant!

It has a pier next to it, with an incredible, panoramic view from which you can click many times and stay there enjoying the view.

Silicon Valley

Surreal, first world place. Everywhere you look, there's some "nerd" passing you by.

This place is really to give you that little push in your professional life and believe that the top is possible, just follow the examples and don't give up!

In the valley you will visit facebook headquarters, HP garage, Apple headquarters, Steve Jobs Garage, Stanford University, Googleplex (headquarters of Google), computer History Museum.

It's too much!

There are several google bikes on the streets, employees use them to take a break or to take their breaks. They are parked and not locked in the streets.

Ah, but how to know they are from google??

-You will know!

Alcatraz Island

At an approximate distance of 2.4 km or 1.25 miles, Alcatraz Island is located.

Formerly used as a military base and later converted into a maximum security federal prison. The most feared criminals were taken there.

Housing 1576 inmates, the prison has become one of the most notorious penitentiaries in the world, with several famous prisoners as an example: Al Capone (Italian-American businessman and gangster, he led criminal groups, involving betting, prostitution, loan sharking and the most serious at that time: smuggling of alcoholic beverages).

San Francisco – USA

In the period that it worked, there were some escape attempts, but none were successful, or they were killed, or drowned or never seen again.

 The prison was deactivated due to the high cost of maintenance.

It is possible to see the island and the prison being in the bay of San Francisco, it has become another tourist point to visit.


You can go by boat through Alcatraz Cruises, taking the ferry from Pier 33 in San Francisco to the island.

Types of tours:

  • day tour: daytime, with a duration of 2:50 hours and another 15 minutes by ferry.
  • Night: during night, with 2:50 hours and another 15 minutes by ferry
  • By the backstage: duration of 4:50 hours plus 15 minutes by ferry.
  • walk through Alcatraz and Angel Island: duration of 5:50 hours and another 15 minutes by ferry.

Ticket Value:

Below are the ticket prices during the day, however the tours at night have an average price difference of $ 5 to $6 more expensive.

  • Adults 18 to 61 years old: $41.00
  • Children 12 to 17 years: $41.00
  • Children 5 to 11 years: $25.00
  • Over 62 years old: $38.65
  • Children 0 to 4 years: free entry
  • Family package 2 adults + 2 children: $119.60

Tip: access the website of the company that handles all the transfers and ticket sales, providing available dates and times, through the website: Alcatraz CityCruises.

Watching the sea lions

At the Pier 39 you will be presented with numerous attractions.

 Note: free!

watching sea lions in san francisco usa

Among them, is to dazzle the sea lions that are swimming around the pier posing for photos!

I think they are already used to being appreciated! Hahaha

As well as the birds that land very close, as well as the breathtaking view of the bridge.

ride a cable car

A super fun tour that will take you to the city center in addition to visiting the tourist attractions.

Value to walk: $7.00 per person.

The city is full of hills, a lot of ups and downs! In the meantime, you can enjoy the view of San Francisco Bay.

In addition, other important points that it passes are the famous streets Powell & Mason, Powell & Hyde, California Street the oldest street and with more locals, Nob Hill neighborhood is right in the center of the city with beautiful views of the landscape, final destination from the cable car is Fishermen's.

Tip: you can take the cable car anywhere it passes. Enjoy the view and dazzle the city streets!


You can also enjoy the city zoo, it is very close to the center.

We enjoyed this tour for about 3 hours, it was pretty cool.

san francisco zoo

 There are countless animals from all over the world and well cared for!

As we went in the afternoon, some places didn't have time to see because they needed someone to explain or be close.

 For example, the location of the various species of snakes, it is in a closed shed with opening hours. We were late and couldn't make it.

Ticket Value it's from R$126.00 per adult.

Finally, We hope you enjoyed our trip to this amazing place and when you go, share your tips and experiences with us!

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