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What can you take in your hand luggage

find out what you can carry in hand luggage, items that are considered risky, the weight of the bag and its size.

In this post I will explain the allowed rules by different airlines.

Enjoy and clear all your doubts!

Did you know that for your plane trip, items considered important are often eliminated at the time of boarding, usually considered risky or because of the size of the bottle?!

Important tip: before making your trip search on the airline's website, what are its rules. being able have variations between companies.

Carry-on or on-board luggage

Carry-on or on-board luggage

To begin with, you need to know the definition of the bag you are going to take. This bag is the one that you can take with you during the flight, together in the cabin. above the seats.

It can be a backpack, purse or suitcase, but they must comply with the rules of the National Civil Aviation Agency (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil) (ANAC).

Another important point is that this hand bag is solely your responsibility, that is, if you forget it on the plane, the company will not have the obligation to indemnify the user.

hand luggage rules

What volume can you take?

What can you take in your hand luggage

As a general rule, most airlines authorize the use of hand luggage plus one personal item such as a purse, bag or backpack with a notebook or cameras, bags with products purchased at duty-free shops, among others.

Your personal item must be carried under the front seat (i.e. at your feet, under the bench)!

luggage under the seat on the plane

What is the weight and size of hand luggage?

suitcase dimensions

I will describe according to the main companies:


Maximum weight: 10 kg in economy class

Maximum weight: 16 kg in Premium Economy or Business class

Measure a maximum of 55cm x 35cm x 25cm


Maximum weight: 10 kg

Measure a maximum of 55cm x 35cm x 25cm

American Airlines

Measure a maximum of 56 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm

(On the company's website there is no weight, only dimensions).

What can you take in your hand luggage

hand baggage
  • Documents
  • Money
  • Medicines (check restrictions)
  • Keys
  • Electronics
  • Clothes
  • shoes
  • Toiletries (maximum 100ml/each total volume: 1l)


All liquids and gels must be packed in plastic packaging in order to facilitate inspection by the protection agent.

items in transparent packaging

If you don't have a transparent plastic packaging, at airports, you will usually find it in a store to buy it.

Transport restrictions in the cabin of the plane

prohibited items in the cabinet

In general, companies have similar restrictions, some more strict, for example some do not authorize carrying firearms even in the luggage compartment.

Below is a list of items that generally are prohibited:

  • Firearms of all types (including replicas and toy guns)
  • Liquids, gels, aerosols
  • Sharp objects such as: knives, sandpaper, nail clippers, razor blades, work tools or tweezers, needles and/or knitting sticks.
  • Baseball bats or pool cues.


Transporting the 15-inch MacBook Pro (due to problems detected in some lithium batteries), manufactured between September 2015 and February 2017 by Apple, ANAC recommends that passengers who own this device check if the device is one of the affected devices due to battery failure.

15 inch macbook pro

access to check your device directly on the manufacturer's page:

What can you take in your hand luggage

Finally, I hope I helped in this very special moment, which is preparing for the suitcase!

Have a nice trip and share your experiences with us!

Enjoy and learn more tips:

Look for traveling by plane

Traveling to the USA without knowing how to speak English

Facts about the USA

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