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Tips for a perfect trip

When we go to plan our trip, the first thought is that everything goes well, and for that, planning is the main ally to avoid major problems. Today we're going to share tips for a perfect trip, let's go there?!

Tips for a perfect trip

 Make a list of restaurants, tours and special places you want to visit during your trip, consult magazines, friends, the official website of the destination and here on our website 🙂 !

If you are going out of the country, make sure your passport it's in order. This is a time consuming process. Also find out about the need to take certain vaccines for the trip.

How to get a passport : Tips and step by step

When making reservations for the trip, inform the reason, for example: that you are on your honeymoon, celebrating your birthday... Hotels love to give surprises, such as serving champagne with fruits and chocolate, special sheets and breakfast in the room.

Don't forget your camera, of course! Check wires and battery. Don't leave it to buy on the spot, tourist places are usually more expensive.

Walking around carrying a huge suitcase will only slow you down. Also, most people don't use half of what they take. Choose clothes that match with other pieces, and don't worry, because no one will notice if you wore those pants for the 2nd time. And no matter where you go, beach, countryside or mountains, always take a dress and a bikini, you never know what you might find.

Leave with family or friends a copy of your travel itinerary, passport and credit card in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

If you're the type of person who doesn't get used to other pillows, bring your own. Avoid sleepless nights.

take items from emergency such as first aid kit, extra batteries for camera, mini sewing kit, etc.

Baggage identification: don't just mark your name on the bags, write down phone numbers and also have an itinerary inside them. If it gets lost, it will be easier to return it to you. Take the opportunity to differentiate your bags from others. As most suitcases are black, have something different in yours so you can find it quickly. It's worth a colorful bag, some sticker or a bow;

Take a closed bag inside your luggage. It will allow you to bring souvenirs for friends and family, as we always have problems closing our bags when returning from a trip.

Lastly, don't forget a sense of humor. Be prepared for unexpected situations and remember them later with big laughs. Enjoy every moment, after all you will never have a trip like this!

What to Take to the Beach

If the chosen destination is the Brazilian coast, or even the Greek Islands, Cancun, or the Indian Ocean islands, prepare your luggage with the right clothes and accessories.

Sunscreen: it's not at all romantic to have burnt skin on your honeymoon. Remember that sand reflects the sun's rays, favoring burns that can cause skin allergies. Take the protector indicated for your skin type.

What to Take to the Beach
What to Take to the Beach

Hat and Cap: protect the neck, neck, face and head area if you stay in the sun for a long time.

Moisturizing cream: nothing better than keeping the skin hydrated and beautiful, since the effects of the sun can dry the skin.

Water camera: for special and fun moments like snorkeling.

Repellent, first aid kit:avoid mosquito attacks, and if you go to more distant places, take antibiotics and other necessary medicines.

Light makeup: gloss, waterproof mascara, transparent mask, colognes, perfumed waters and deo-colonies.

Bags: bags that fit everything to take to the beach: sunglasses, sunscreen, comb, sarong, towel, bottle of water.

Comfortable shoes: hiking shoes, slippers and sandals for special nights.

Clothes: abuse light fabrics. Skirts, dresses, shorts, t-shirts and tops.

If you go to the Mountains

If you chose to spend your honeymoon in the mountains, in the chill of Monte Verde, Bariloche or a week in the European winter, prepare your coats.

joker coat:it's that coat that goes with all, or almost all of your pants, and you'll always be well dressed in it.

Sunscreen and lip balm: even in the cold the sun continues to burn, even more so if you are in the snow. Like sand, snow reflects the sun's rays causing the same effects as burns and chapped mouth.

Ski equipment and sunglasses: if you are going to spend a few days skiing.

Moisturizer: With the cold, the skin tends to dry out, so use moisturizers and take advantage of their essential oils.

Clothes:in addition to the joker coat, take gloves, a scarf, wool socks, jackets and sweaters. Remember: the more prepared you are, the more relaxed you will be.

What to take for your trip
What to take for your trip

Is going to travel outside Brazil?

International travel requires more attention when packing. Prepare in advance to avoid surprises.

Tagand culture: don't forget to find out about the culture of the destination, so you won't run the risk of making mistakes. Like, for example, in Muslim countries and also in India and Thailand, avoid greeting someone with your left hand. This hand is reserved for cleaning and is not used for greetings.

Tourist guide:Buy the city or country guide, in addition to having tips on restaurants, bars, shops and parks, they have great maps.

Power Converters:first confirm the voltage at the hotel where you will be staying. If necessary, take the power converter. 

Vaccines: Find out about the need for vaccines to enter the chosen destination, for further explanations contact Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency), located in some of the main airports, ports and borders of the country, they apply the vaccine dose for free. For questions: 0800-61-1997 (Anvisa).

Travel assistance: It's the best way to ensure peace of mind for your trip. Travel insurance goes much further than health insurance, it covers dental emergencies and lost luggage, check with your travel agent.

What did you think of our tips? Comment here 👇

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