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Canada car holidays


Discover what to do on your Canadian driving holiday, enjoy sights ranging from misty mountains and emerald lakes to wave-tossed coastlines and fields filled with wildflowers, whales, bears and more. 

And along the way, places beckon you to stop, take a walk, have a picnic or discover local history.

Its well-maintained roads are easy to navigate and, depending on where you are, relatively empty. 

A more difficult decision is which region of Canada to visit. You can explore the Canadian Rockies away from the crowds, discover Quebec's French roots, visit the lighthouses and traditional fishing villages of the maritime provinces or chase the ghost of the Yukon gold rush.

But first, discover the paradise of options that has to offer and turn your travel dreams into reality! Making your reservations through our link you will be helping us and you won’t pay anything extra for it 🙂 is our trusted website, we made all our reservations through them and now you can also make purchases from airline tickets!

western canada

From the wild coast of British Columbia to the snow-capped pinnacles and glacier-fed lakes of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Western Canada features some of the country's most breathtaking scenery.

Ao volante, você pode seguir uma rota bem percorrida pelas Montanhas Rochosas canadenses para ver algumas das características naturais mais notáveis ​​da região, como a Athabasca Glacier and Lake Louise. Você visitará ambos com um passeio pela Icefields Parkway.

This 232 km road cuts through rugged, glacier-covered peaks between Jasper and Lake Louise, following the milky waters of the river Athabasca, passando por lagos de água-marinha e cachoeiras espumantes. Você pode fazer uma pausa para seguir trilhas florestais ou fazer um piquenique em um dos mirantes.

É fácil ver por que essa área é tão popular, mas as estradas ficam movimentadas durante os meses de verão. Existem rotas alternativas para escapar das multidões, no entanto.

Fazer uma viagem de carro pelas áreas menos conhecidas do oeste do Canadá coloca você em contato com pequenas cidades e vilarejos nas Montanhas Rochosas canadenses, como Fernie, Nelson and Golden. 

These villages have retained a traditional feel with their clutches of wooden buildings nestled amongst the mountains.

On the same route, you can go kayaking in the glassy waters of the Waterton Lakes National Park and walk through its wildflower meadows, where bison and black bears graze. 

Away from the mountains, the vineyards of the Okanagan Valley are a patchwork of gentle hills and invite you to wine tastings.

if you like coastal landscapes, The Sunshine Coast Highway da Colúmbia Britânica serpenteia ao longo da costa arborizada ao norte de Vancouver. Parar por algumas noites em uma das propriedades à beira-mar dá a você a chance de andar de caiaque nas águas abrigadas, passear pelas trilhas para caminhada nas proximidades e relaxar com um tratamento de spa.

Then cross to the vancouver island , driving through the island's wild interior to Tofino for the chance to see bears forrageando ao longo da costa. Você pode fazer outra parada em victoria – arguably the best place in Canada to see orcas.

Ontario and Quebec

Apresentando influências de colonos britânicos e franceses, Ontário e Québec são recompensadores para visitar separadamente ou em uma viagem combinada. Ricas em história e arquitetura, com paisagens pouco tocadas pela presença humana, as províncias oferecem uma vista contrastante do lado oeste do Canadá.


drive in Ontario and Quebec it lets you zip through rural towns and villages and lesser-known parks, without having to drive for more than four hours at a time or tackle winding, hilly roads.

Sua viagem em Ontário pode oscilar entre as cidades movimentadas e o campo tranquilo. Além de explorar os museus e mercados de Toronto e Ottawa, você pode ver as niagara falls by boat or helicopter and canoeing near moose in the Algonquin Provincial Park, staying in a quintessentially Canadian log cabin.

Intermediate runs span large swathes of countryside that include sparkling lakes, streams and pockets of forest that fire the landscape with autumn reds, yellows and oranges. 

And, between Toronto and Niagara Falls, you can take a break at a local winery to taste some of the wines produced in the area.

Enquanto isso, dirigindo pela região de Charlevoix, em Quebec, você passa por valese poderá parar em cidades e vilarejos de língua francesa. Aqui, você pode comprar queijos locais, carnes, patês e chocolates, tomar café fora de cafés e visitar igrejas de tábuas brancas.

Elsewhere, you can spend a few days hiking, mountain biking and kayaking among the rugged mountains and deep valleys of the Parc des Hautes Gorges de la Rivière Malbaie

Visiting the park goes well with looking for whales and photograph lighthouses along the Gaspe Peninsula, and explore the history and food of Old Montreal and Québec City on guided tours.

Coastal Trails in Canada

An undiscovered corner of Canada, the Maritime Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island quase parecem fazer parte de um país diferente. Das cadências irlandesas e escocesas nos sotaques dos moradores às casas de madeira que se alinham à beira-mar das tradicionais vilas de pescadores, as províncias têm uma personalidade distinta e a sensação de uma época passada.

Nova Scotia

Exploring the Maritimes on a road trip, you'll find that the roads are quiet and the journeys are relatively short, although the coastal vistas will likely encourage you to stop frequently.

THE Nova Scotia é onde você experimentará alguns dos passeios mais belos da região. Há a Rota do Farol, que abraça a coast between Halifax and Lunenburg, passing secluded bays, coves and distinctive lighthouses such as the red Peggy's Point lighthouse.

The most revered, however, is the cabot trail, que se enrola ao redor da costa norte da ilha Cape Breton, na ponta leste da Nova Escócia. Você terá vistas sobre os penhascos escarpados que se estendem à frente ao longo dos 297 km, com a chance de avistar alces e águias.

In New Brunswick , you can drive along the coast to the Bay of Fundy to marvel at the highest tides in the world – 160 billion tonnes of seawater flow in and out of the bay every day. 

You can also go on bird watching tours. whales to see humpback, minke and finback whales, which migrate to the bay each summer to feed and calve.

Home to copper-red beaches, twinkling lighthouses and coastal parks dotted with forests, Prince Edward Island it's a pleasure to drive and compact enough to explore in its entirety in just a few days.

Island life was the basis for Lucy Maud Montgomery's 1908 novel, Anne of Green Gables. You can visit the 19th century Green Gables Farm (the setting of the book), as well as discover the history of the Confederacy of Canada in Charlottetown, nicknamed the “cradle” of Canada.

Yokun – Canada

Cidades atemporais pontilham uma bela paisagem de montanhas, geleiras, lagos e rios caudalosos. Quase todas as pessoas que você conhece parecem ter uma história para contar. E, há uma sensação de estar em algum lugar completamente indomável. Este é o Yukon do Canadá , a territory to the north that the modern world seems to have forgotten.

Em uma viagem de carro pelo Yukon , você pode visitar cidades históricas que surgiram durante a Klondike Gold Rush and little has changed since then. 

Wooden buildings once used by exhausted prospectors line the unpaved streets of Dawson City, while following the Silver Trail takes you through Mayo and Keno City, where former silver mines lie abandoned at the foot of the mountains.

east of Dawson City, your trip takes you along the Highway top of the world, where you can stop to gaze at miles of hills and mountain peaks untouched by humans. 

The highway enters Alaska before taking you southeast to the Kluane National Park. Aqui, você pode passar o tempo caminhando por florestas, campos de gelo e vales montanhosos e ver o Mount Logan – the highest peak in Canada.

Kluane National Park

End your trip in Whitehorse , taking a train ride in the White Pass & Yukon Route – uma ferrovia do século 19 que serpenteia pelas montanhas até a cidade de Skagway, no Alasca. Alternativamente, passe alguns dias em Marsh Lake, onde a água tem o mesmo tom turquesa dos lagos das Montanhas Rochosas canadenses, mas com muito menos visitantes.

Tips for your trip to Canada

  • Roads are generally well maintained and well signposted.
  • Service stations can be few and far between, so fill up whenever the opportunity arises.
  • You are generally uninsured if you drive on gravel roads not maintained by the government.
  • Car hire is fully inclusive where possible with unlimited mileage, GPS, full tank of fuel and full insurance.
  • Choose the type of vehicle that's right for you — your specialist can help you decide which one best suits your journey.
  • You will need to bring a credit card to process your rental vehicle's deposit.

map of canada

What is the capital of Canada

The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

Canada car holidays

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