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Hot weather travel tips

Traveling should be full of fun and adventure, but when you travel to a hot climate destination, a traveler can feel unhappy and miss out on much of what the place has to offer when he is not prepared, or doesn't know what to expect.

Here I will provide a guide with some tips for traveling to hot weather destinations!

Consider the time of year

The most important thing when traveling to these destinations is to consider the time of year you will be traveling there.

Peak tourist season can correlate with some of the best temperatures.

For example, you might find that traveling to Egypt in December has favorable weather, but it's also one of the busiest times of the year for tourism. You'll pay a lot more to travel during this time and deal with more crowds.

I always advise traveling during the middle seasons, where the weather is milder, and the crowds are a little less.

You'll also want to consider holidays like Ramadan when visiting Muslim countries. In 2023 these dates will be between March and April, but dates may change based on sightings of the moon.

Consider the activities

Another thing to consider when traveling to hot destinations is what activities you plan to do while on vacation.

You must really know your physical capacity when traveling in hot weather.

For example, when traveling to the Sahara Desert in the middle of summer, you'll be quite far away from access to medical facilities, so heat stroke is a very real concern.

You'll want to stay more hydrated than other destinations.

hot weather places
hot weather places

Also, consider the importance of this activity and how the heat might affect your experience.

Places like Santorini are so hot in summer that walking on the rocks during the day is not very pleasant. It's better to go out and explore first thing in the morning, when temperatures may be lower or in the late afternoon when the sun is setting.

During the day when temperatures are high, consider participating in activities in the shade, indoors or in the water.

When the sun is at its highest, tourists can visit indoor museums or enjoy water sports or spend time at the hotel's pool.

Tip: do the outside activities early in the morning, already at noon, get organized and take tours of museums or places that are acclimatized, or in water parks.

Tropical Heat or Dry Heat?

It might surprise you how hot some places can get. Tourists need to consider if they are traveling to a hot place tropical or humid versus dry heat.

If you're in a hot destination with a humid climate, it might be 90 degrees outside, but it feels like it's over 100 degrees.

When visiting hot weather destinations, consider whether you will have access to air conditioning or a swimming pool. This is especially important when visiting places like Thailand.

While fan versus air conditioning accommodations may be cheaper, it's not always better. It's better to pay a little more, and enjoy a good night's sleep with air conditioning, to wake up the next day ready to enjoy another day of sightseeing.

What to pack?

When I start packing for a trip, I always consider the weather. There are a few things I pack specifically for warm weather destinations that I'm going to share with you.

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shoes and sandals

I tend to overheat when I'm wearing shoes, so I like to pack a pair of comfortable sandals (or even flip flops) when I'm traveling to hot weather cities.

Some people prefer to wear sneakers when walking a lot, as they are more comfortable; so if that's the case, make sure you have breathable footwear. I suggest bringing sandals (or flip flops) and sneakers.

bubble band aids

Band-Aids Blister
Band-Aids Blister

Blister Band-Aids can be helpful for the feet. As the feet are sweating a lot, they will be prone to blisters.

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anti-friction sticks

 anti-friction stick
anti-friction stick

If you're walking a lot, especially in shorts, you'll want to have anti-chafing poles. They make it for men and women, to use on legs and arms. Friction is very real and very painful, so having an anti-friction stick will come in handy.

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cooling towels

cooling towels
cooling towels

Cooling towels can be an absolute lifesaver! You don't need to use cold water. The water can be at any temperature and the cooling towel will cool it down and provide a lot of relief.

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Hats are a great way to keep cool. If you are worried about taking a wide-brimmed hat, get a hat clip and secure the hat in a bag.

If you are a man, bring a cap. 🇧🇷

polarized sunglasses

polarized sunglasses
polarized sunglasses

Polarized sunglasses make a huge difference, especially if you're somewhere by the sea. They help reduce glare and also help images appear clearer so you don't miss a thing on your travels.

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Small Packable Umbrella

Small Packable Umbrella
Small Packable Umbrella

If you can't avoid direct sun, bring your own shade with a small packable umbrella. This can be especially useful if you are traveling somewhere very exposed like Egypt and visiting the historical places that have no shade.

Take cover
Take cover

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If you're going to be outside, it's always important to wear sunscreen. Some great non-toxic sunscreens include 100% Pure Everywhere Body Sunscreen or All Good Mineral Sunscreen Lotion.

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Light colors and breathable clothes

It is super important to take light colors and clothes that are breathable. Remember that darker colors will attract the sun, which means heat. Using lighter colors will help you look fresher.

Also, make sure all clothes are breathable, 100% cotton or linen is the most breathable material.

What are your tips for *keep calm* in a hot climate destination? Let me know in the comments below!

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