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Meaning of the colors of the lifeguard flags

The first thing to be observed before entering the sea is the color of the flags on the beach, informing about bathing conditions and safe places. Do you know the meaning of each one? Here we will explain all the meanings, let's go?!

Colors of the flags of the lifeguards on the beaches

All flags were established by standards of the International Lifesaving Federation and must always be followed, that is, if you are going to take a bath anywhere in the world, you will know how to define the possibility of safety for your bath.

But remembering that even so, you need to be very careful when entering the sea.

A very common phrase from Lifeguards is: “water in the navel, a danger sign”, i.e. better to retreat and return to the edge.

beach flag colors
beach flag colors

Bathing between flags – Safe bathing

bath between flags
bath between flags

This flag is very important, between flags it means that there will be two flags one to the south and the other to the north and in the middle will be the lifeguards, this area is safe for your bath.

Generally, outside this area there may be rocks, a rush of water or other danger that could expose the bathers to life-threatening conditions.

So always be on the lookout for this flag!

Dangerous Location - Risk of Death

Area not protected by lifeguards

Area not protected by lifeguards, these are beaches where there are no lifeguards and your attention needs to be redoubled!

Dangerous location - Risk of death
Dangerous location – Risk of death
Do not enter: risk of death

Do not enter: risk of death, the name of this sign is very scary and the intention must be respected, because really, if there is a risk of death, do not risk it! Respect the signs.

jellyfish infestation

jellyfish infestation
jellyfish infestation

Jellyfish usually appear when the water is at the best bathing temperature, warm.

However, summer is the season when they appear and if you have a purple flag, know that you are at risk of being burned by a jellyfish.

Tip: if you are burned, go to the hospital or to the lifeguard station, they will be able to guide you on the best way to proceed in this situation. In addition, in some guardhouses, they have vinegar, which helps to neutralize the pain.

Flag colors for sea bathing conditions

Green Flag - low risk

Low risk of drowning. Good bathing conditions and lifeguard assistance.

Yellow Flag – medium risk

Medium risk of drowning. Bathing with restrictions and with the assistance of a lifeguard.

Red flag - high risk

High risk of drowning, no bathing conditions, although with lifeguard assistance.

Black Flag

lifeguard station disabled.

Black and white checkered

Delimited area allowed for sports with boards and others without motor.

double red

PROHIBITED  – closed water for bathing and sports.

Prohibited boats, jet and surfboards

Prohibited boats, jet and surfboards
Prohibited boats, jet and surfboards

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