Take all your doubts about how it will be and if you will have Carnival 2022 in Torres RS-UPDATED. Here you will know everything first hand and you will know how to plan for another holiday on the most beautiful beach in Rio Grande do Sul.
The city of Torres is very colorful, with good humor and carnival music. There are several blocks of friends, companies and families.
Guaranteed fun!
People parade along the main avenue of the city, Avenida Barão do Rio Branco, until arriving at Avenida Beira Mar da Praia Grande.
Due to the pandemic, in the year 2021, this parade did not take place, but people went directly to Avenida Beira Mar, where the party was held.
Will there be carnival in Torres?
But after all, will there be a carnival?
In the year 2021, carnival happened, even with the most advanced pandemic. The streets were crowded, bars and the beach.
According to the contact with the City Hall of Torres, the street Carnival is CANCELED. There will be no famous parade through the city streets.
But don't worry, you can go to Torres because the bars, pubs and the seaside will be full of glitter, colorful decorations and live music waiting for the carnival people!!!
access our article What to do in Torres RS at night with several tips on places to go.
When will carnival 2022 be?
The date for Carnival 2022 will be from February 26 to March 2.
Carnival 2022 in Torres RS- UPDATED
Finally, I hope I helped and that the carnival takes place in style!
Take the opportunity to learn more about Torres: