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Pink October – awareness campaign

The pinkest month of the year has arrived: pink October - awareness campaign! And we support this cause, today we're going to share with you: various tips for women's insurance, what to do in pink October, how to prevent yourself and much more. Let's go?!

What does Pink October mean?

The main meaning is to remind all women of the importance of prevention and care for their body and health.

pink october meaning
pink october meaning

Thus providing early diagnoses and treatments and providing a reduction in mortality in cases of breast cancer among other diseases.

In 2008, prevention campaigns began to emerge in Brazil, activities such as races, monuments with pink lights, everything to remind women of the importance of this moment of care.

Prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer

The first step is always to be up to date with routine exams such as:

  • mammography;
  • annual clinical breast exams;
  • self exam;
  • blood tests to measure diabetes, cholesterol, triglycerides, among others;
  • in addition to these exams, having a healthy and balanced diet and practicing some physical activity helps a lot to prevent it. 🇧🇷

woman life insurance

opt for safe woman it's a great choice!

One of the main advantages is that if the insured is diagnosed with breast cancer, cervical or ovarian cancer, she can receive compensation of up to 50% from the insurance coverage.

Also, if she needs any specialized exam, it also covers the consultation.

Prevented woman enjoys life more

Traveling is a life purpose, to enjoy every moment of the day and discover incredible places. However, you need to be on top of your health.


Below I will share sights that have the theme pink

Lake Hiller, Australia

Located in Middle Island, its color is due to a combination of seaweed and salt.

Lake Hiller, Australia
Lake Hiller, Australia

Yucatan – Mexico

With a beautiful babalu color, it is the combination of algae, shrimp and plankton with salt water.

Yucatan - Mexico
Yucatan – Mexico

La Casa Rosada, Argentina

How about a completely pink presidential palace 🙂 , it's in Argentina!

It was in this Casa Rosada that Eva Perón spoke to the crowd of supporters.

La Casa Rosada, Argentina
La Casa Rosada, Argentina

Christ redeemer rio de janeiro

Every year, during Pink October, Christ is beautifully highlighted in pink. It's illuminated perfection seen across the city.

Christ the Redeemer Rose
Christ the Redeemer Rose

Pink October – awareness campaign

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