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10 easy ways to save money to travel the world

The most common question I get is “How do you afford to travel so much??? My life has changed a lot since becoming a professional travel blogger, but my early travels were fueled by smart spending and strategic savings.

Here are 10 easy ways to set achievable goals for yourself and save money to travel the world!

1. Reconsider your expenses

Do you really need cable TV? Could you turn off the lights if you're not in the room? What if you canceled your gym membership and exercised outdoors? Are you getting coffee from the bakery every morning?

I cut cable television years ago and haven't thought about it once since. What else could you live without?

Consider what you wouldn't wear while traveling and start cutting those things out of your daily costs now.

Approximate monthly savings: R$50-R$150

travel savings
travel savings

2. You are beautiful just the way you are

Beauty services are expensive! Hairstyling, tanning, manicures, waxing… How much money could you save if you went for a more natural balayage and only had your hair highlighted every 6 months or so?

This might not apply to every girl, but I used to rack up the service expenses to maintain my mop. Now, I only touch up my blonde a few times a year. The rest of the time, I let the sun do its work and hug my roots.

3. Paint your own nails

Again, beauty services are a luxury and can be quite expensive… until you are in Thailand and a pedicure is only $3!

While you may not be able to make a complete set at home, you can choose a beautiful nail polish and save yourself the travel and expense of going to a salon. I can buy a bottle of nail polish for 1/10 of the service price and it lasts for months.

Approximate monthly savings: $ 60

4. Reinvent your wardrobe

What goes around comes around… literally! Fashion trends repeat themselves, so dig deep into that closet and you're sure to find something.

I suggest taking everything out of your closet and really examining how many items you have.

As you reorganize, you'll likely find pieces you forgot you had or discover new ways to style sets.

Tired of the same clothes?

Ask a friend to ask her to assemble five outfits for you from her wardrobe. You'll be amazed at how different someone can wear the same clothes you wear the same way every time. It's like having a whole new wardrobe!

Approximate monthly savings: $ 50 – $ 200

5. Sale does not mean store

I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough! Seriously though, don't be fooled into thinking that a "good deal" cannot be overlooked. He can.

Only buy when absolutely necessary and if going into a sale (or seeing a sale online) is a serious problem for you, as it is for me, avoid them! Do not browse shelves or pages.

NOTE: DO NOT sign up for their email service! Anything that offers an inbox full of temptations for you every morning should be avoided. While they offer incredible discounts, it's hard to resist something you absolutely DON'T need simply because it's 50% off.

Approximate monthly savings: $ 50 – $ 100

6. Dinner

Don't know how to cook? It's time to start learning and there are some fabulous YouTube cooking channels out there. However, it can sometimes be more economical to buy takeout depending on the location.

But this is where coupons come in handy! Before dining out, always check the newspaper for coupons or use websites with meal deals. When it comes to grocery shopping, look for weekly ads to save money.

If you're just cooking for yourself, I've found it can be a lot more expensive than cooking for two, so stick with the basics and get creative. Plan a menu for the week before you go shopping.

One of my saving tricks is to stick to the same meals with little twists every few days. The less variety I buy, the less I waste and enjoy those leftovers!

Approximate monthly savings: $ 100

7. Stop Social Spending

I don't suggest you cut back on your social life, but it's time to make some changes.

A new outfit for the weekend, going to the movies, going out to dinner, one drink leads to another, taxi…

Weekends can literally wipe out your savings in one fell swoop!

Consider inviting friends over for wine or homemade cocktails, and ask everyone to bring a side dish. Another idea is to research local “free activities” in your city and gather a group of friends for a fun day out that won't break the bank.

Approximate monthly savings: $ 200

Stop Social Spending
Stop Social Spending

8. Name Mark vs. Generic

One way to save for travel on a budget is to eliminate branded labels and opt for the generic version of just about anything!

If you do this with everything you buy, it increases!

Even if it is only an extra $ 5 for the Best article, don't do it! Don't be fooled by fancy packaging or labels. Shift your mindset from money over cost and value and save whatever amount you can whenever possible.

Approximate monthly savings: $ 40

9. Sale

Do you have “garbage” boxes stored accumulating dust? the garbage of a man is another's treasure!

Have a garage sale or list your stuff at the thrift store. It costs nothing to do a little thing.

10. Savings out of sight

So now that you have all the tips, you're going to start putting money into savings, right? Right?! Okay, so maybe not… but what if it was automated? And also smart?

I strongly recommend using some digital bank with a FREE service that links to your checking account, studies your income and automatically saves what you can afford. Some real here. Some dollars there. You won't even notice it happening.

Bonus: Travel Credit Cards

One of my biggest hacks when it comes to paying for travel is accumulating points on travel rewards credit cards!

As I try to limit my expenses and budget, I keep spending money on necessities…

So why not earn points for things like groceries that can be used on a flight?

Save for your trip
Save for your trip

Information to be defined

  1. Reconsider your expenses
  2. Limit your beauty luxuries
  3. Do your own manicures
  4. Get creative with your wardrobe
  5. A sale doesn't mean spending
  6. restaurant
  7. Pay attention to social expenses
  8. buy generic
  9. Sell what you don't need
  10. Automate your savings

Just by using modest approximations for monthly savings, you can easily reduce expenses by almost R$ 500 per month or R$ 6,000 per year.

Not everyone spends that much and many people spend a lot more, but consider that cutting up to R$ 100 in expenses per month would save R$ 1200 per year (enough for a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to London)!

So when people ask me how I can travel so much, it's pretty simple. It's how little I spend, not how much I earn. We all have the ability to choose between spending our money on stuff like a new flat screen TV or experiences like a month in South America…and you know which one i would choose!

Start cutting back on your unnecessary expenses and you'll see how easy it is to save money to travel the world!

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